Monday, August 12, 2024

Echoes of yesterdays | ഓർമ്മയുടെ ആകാശങ്ങൾ

Memories are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. They are the laughter of childhood, the warmth of a hug from a loved one, the bittersweet tears of farewell. They are the smell of freshly baked sponge cake in mom's kitchen, the murmur of winds brushing the tall trees of the backyard during that perfect summer vacation & the rain-hugged fragrance from the new books & bag from the first week of June 🌪. 

As time’s relentless tide sweeps forward, we find ourselves longing to drift back to those fleeting moments of unbridled joy, love’s tender embrace, and the deep currents of connection. With eyes gently closed, we are carried to a place where life felt simpler, where the world wore a softer smile, and our hearts brimmed with hope’s sweet promise. We recall the souls we’ve cherished, the landscapes we’ve wandered, and the wisdom etched into our being. 

Memories are however more than echoes of the past; they are whispers of the future. They remind us of life’s truest treasures—love, kindness, and the threads of connection we weave with others.  They some times colour the paths that we want to take & add colour to the sketches of what could have beens! They breathe life into our days, urging us to craft new memories, to embrace each moment with open hearts. 

We sometimes look up through the left eyebrow to recollect a memory, and sometimes we do the same to make a plan. Both times we seem to ascend into the gallery of the vast sky, picking the frame we wish to etch against the moment. When I look up at the cloudy morning sky from my balcony, it feels as if it holds all the frames of what has been, what will be, and what eternal sky truly means.  

In the gallery of the sky’s soft display,
The echoes of life’s endless ballet,
Reminding us, as night turns to day,
That all we cherish will never decay.

Saturday, August 14, 2021


മരണമാം സുന്ദര സ്വപ്നത്തിൻ വാതിലിൽവെറുതേ തിക്കിത്തിരക്കുന്നു നാം

കടലിൽ പതിക്കുവാൻ പായുന്ന പുഴകളിൽ തടയണ തേടുന്ന ജലകണങ്ങൾ

ദിശാസൂചി നിൽക്കും പവനൻ നിലയ്ക്കും അരുണചന്ദ്രൻമാരുമസ്തമിക്കും

സങ്കീർത്തനവ്രതവേദങ്ങളിൽ  കാല ഗഗനധ്വജത്തിൻ നിഴൽ പതിക്കും

പക്ഷേ പ്രളയനൃത്തത്തിൻ്റെയവസാനയക്ഷണേ ഒരു കുഞ്ഞു പൂമ്പൊടി ബാക്കിനിൽക്കും

മന്വന്തരേ മന്മഥമധ്വജങ്ങൾ  വീണ്ടുമാ മഹാവൃക്ഷനിര്യാസം വരയ്ക്കും!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Rain Drop

Raindrop! The Great mother's free flowing heir
She's one gentle chum that holds onto veneer
Your Coffee book's next door neighbor
This dark night's gruesome partner

With might she chisels the grandeur mountains
In ease she carves out the deeper valleys
Unravels to the vastness of seas
Yet sketches those silvery streams

Petrichor with the first dance
Euphony in the wood lands
Embrace on your both palms
Often, dew on our loving hearts

Thursday, August 1, 2019


ഞാൻ നിന്നോട് പറഞ്ഞ എത്രയെത്ര
രഹസ്യങ്ങളാണ് നീ കരയിലെഴുതിവച്ചിട്ട്
ആരും കാണാതെ മായ്ച്ച് കളഞ്ഞത്!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

നിന്നെ തൊടാൻ

അന്നാ വരാന്തയിൽ ഓടിക്കിതച്ചതും
മൈതാനമണ്ണ് ചവുട്ടിക്കുഴച്ചതും
കടലാസുവഞ്ചികൾ മുക്കിക്കളഞ്ഞതും
നോവിന്റെ ചൂരൽക്കഷായം കുടിച്ചതും

ഇടിമുഴക്കങ്ങങ്ങൾക്ക് കാതോർത്തിരുന്നതും
കുടയൊന്ന് പോലും ഓർത്തെടുക്കാഞ്ഞതും
ഒരു പുതപ്പിൽ പനി ചൂടിക്കിടന്നതും
രാത്രി ജനാലയ്ക്കൽ പുകയൂതിയിരുന്നതും

എന്തിനായിരുന്നെന്ന ചോദ്യമെറിഞ്ഞോ നീ?

നിന്നെ തൊടാൻ!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Friday, July 20, 2018

Sunday, June 3, 2018


ഇൗ പകൽ വറ്റി കടന്നങ്ങ് പോയതും 
മിഴിപ്പൂ നിറഞ്ഞന്ന് പേമാരി പെയ്തതും
മഴനൂലിൽ പിച്ചകമാലകൾ കോർത്തത്തും
ഇളംകാറ്റ്  കൊണ്ടിന്ന് പൂക്കൾ വിടർന്നതും 

പകലുകൾ പിന്നെയും നോക്കി ചിരിച്ചതും

Saturday, February 3, 2018

A domestic twilight!!

The original concept of a satiating evening happens only beside the unpaved roads back in our natives. Every new versions of the same are just tolerable impostors!! When the mighty Helios ends his daily proceedings in the far west-end, nothing could beat the out and out ambiance of distinctive, yet deep fried choices you can make in company of a pony glass of tea & a lighted gold flake - yes the underivative key to a lazy close of the day.

Its warmth, bliss & tastefulness sets up a sundown party for laziness to get through the people as well. A day having many irons in the fire comes to a silent close at its premises. If you stack it up against the big picture, the emotions of a successful man at his fag end of life can be easily reciprocated - Satisfied & Settled -back!

While those lovely evenings inspired a less industrious scheme of things into our life, such places were not siloed vaults,  rather they were engaging parks. People interacted, publicized & had a social circle around. I can't remember any self-indulgent faces in that neck of the woods. All were in the moment. Apathy? Umm...out of syllabus.

Being the late march Piscean big fish, I'm always appreciative of leisure:). But it is of towering significance that apathy should be kept at bay. The modern art of laziness should never creep in. Are they different? Yes they are!

The old kind of lazy avoids hard physical work. Too tired to move his ass around, to dig a ditch, to organize a warehouse or clean the garage. Modern lazy avoids emotional labor. This is the laziness of not raising your hand to ask the key question, not caring about those in need or not digging in to ship something that might not work. It is having an argument instead of a thoughtful conversation. It is waiting until the last minute. And it is avoiding what we fear. Lazy feels okay in the short run, but slaughterous for the herd of mankind. We can be at leisure, but never insensitive.

 Let our life be a long satiated evening, still with all the worth of a "CHAAYAKKADA".